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# Copyright (c) 2020-2024 Wind River Systems, Inc.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
# Values migrated from vault helm chart
name: vault
fullname: sva-vault
replicas: 1
# Vault Manager specific values
repository: starlingx/stx-vault-manager
tag: stx.9.0-v1.28.6-1
pullPolicy: IfNotPresent
chart: vault_0.6.0
imagePullSecrets: []
# Rate at which vault-manager checks status of vault servers.
# After initialization of the raft, Vault manager will loop forever
# checking the pods for vault servers that need to be unsealed.
# This value is the sleep, in seconds, between intervals. Value
# must be a positive integer
statusCheckRate: 5
# After initial configuration, in combination with statusCheckRate,
# the amount of time to wait before unsealing a recovering vault
# server. The option is intended to allow the active vault server
# time to start sending heartbeats to the recovering pod before
# unsealing the server.
# A value of 0 indicates no wait time: unseal the vault server without
# delay. The wait time is statusCheckRate * unsealWaitIntervals.
# Default is 5 s/interval * 3 intervals == 15 seconds.
unsealWaitIntervals: 3
# Network timeout for queries to vault server /sys/health endpoint
# The maximum time in seconds to wait for a server to respond to
# health query. This applies for the HA recovery situations, not the
# initialization of vault cluster. Unsetting the value is not
# recommended, and defaults to timeout of 120 seconds.
# vault-manager will appear to hang if healthQueryTimeout is
# over-large. This setting affects the logs, since vault-manager will
# issue a log when the 'sealed' status toggles between true/false and
# the 'unknown' value
healthQueryTimeout: 2
# Network timeout for vault API operations against /sys/unseal
# The maximum time in seconds to wait for a server to respond to
# the unseal request.
unsealOpTimeout: 10
# Network timeout for queries to vault server /sys/rekey/init
# and /sys/rekey/verify
# The maximum time in seconds to wait for a server to respond to
# the query.
rekeyStatusTimeout: 2
# Network timeout for vault API operations against /sys/rekey/init
# and /sys/rekey/verify
# The maximum time in seconds to wait for a server to respond to
# the request.
rekeyOpTimeout: 10
# During upgrade of the application from PVC storage to storage
# using kubernetes, enable vault rekey to run automatically to
# resecure the vault with new shards.
# See also Hashicorp vault documentation:
enableOnPVCConversion: true
# The major/minor version of kubectl client binary to use. Must
# exist within the vault manager image for example
# client_version: v1.28
client_version: ""
# During upgrade of the application from PVC storage to storage
# using kubernetes, wait for previous version of vault manager
# to terminate before proceding with the conversion of storage from PVC to
# kubernetes secrets.
# The maximum tries before proceding with the conversion of storage
# from PVC to kubernetes secrets.
maxTries: 12
# Number of seconds slept between each tries before proceding with
# the conversion of storage from PVC to kubernetes secrets.
sleepTime: 5
# Debugging option to setup pause request for vault manager on startup
# A pause_on_trap file will be created with the content of this value
# Values may include a positive integer matching a call of
# exit_on_trap
# pause: 1
# Debugging option to improve log reading, allow more verbose logging
# DEBUG: 1
# INFO: 2
# ERROR: 4
# FATAL: 5
defaultLogLevel: 2