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Configure Data Interfaces

A data class interface attaches the host to a data network providing the underlying network for OpenStack Neutron Tenant/Project Networks.

For each of the above procedures, configure the node interface specifying the ifclass as data and assign one or more data networks to the node interface.

  1. List the attached interfaces.

    To list all interfaces, use the system host-if-list command and include the -a flag.

    ~(keystone_admin)]$ system host-if-list -a controller-0
    | uuid | name     | class    |   | ports         |   | data networks     |
    | 68...| ens787f3 | None     |   | [u'ens787f3'] |   | []                |
    | 79...| data0    | data     |   | [u'ens787f0'] |   | [u'group0-data0'] |
    | 78...| cluster0 | platform |   | []            |   | []                |
    | 89...| ens513f3 | None     |   | [u'ens513f3'] |   | []                |
    | 97...| ens803f1 | None     |   | [u'ens803f1'] |   | []                |
    | d6...| pxeboot0 | platform |   | [u'eno2']     |   | []                |
    | d6...| mgmt0    | platform |   | []            |   | []                |
  2. Attach an interface to a data network.

    Use a command sequence of the following form:

    ~(keystone_admin)]$ system host-if-modify -n <ifname> -m <mtu> -c <ifclass> <hostname> <ethname> [--ipv4-mode=ip4_mode [ipv4-pool addr_pool]] [--ipv6-mode=ip6_mode [ipv6-pool addr_pool]]
    ~(keystone_admin)]$ system interface-datanetwork-assign <hostname> <ifname> <data network>

    where the following options are available:


    A name for the interface.


    The MTU for the interface.


    The MTU must be equal to or larger than the MTU of the data network to which the interface is attached.


    The class of the interface. The valid classes are platform, data, pci-sriov, and pci-passthrough.

    data network

    The name or ID of the data network to assign the interface to.


    The name or UUID of the host.


    The name or UUID of the Ethernet interface to use.


    The mode for assigning IPv4 addresses to a data interface (static or pool.)


    The mode for assigning IPv6 addresses to a data interface (static or pool.)


    The name of an IPv4 or IPv6 address pool, for use with the pool mode of IP address assignment for data interfaces.