
151 lines
4.5 KiB

.. rjo1552677308677
.. _allocating-host-memory-using-horizon:
Allocate Host Memory Using Horizon
.. only:: starlingx
You can edit the platform and Application page memory allocations for a
|NUMA| node from the Horizon Web interface using the **Memory** tab on the
Host Inventory pane.
.. only:: partner
.. include:: ../../../_includes/
:start-after: introduction-text-begin
:end-before: introduction-text-end
Due to limitations in Kubernetes, only a single huge page size can be used
per host.
.. only:: starlingx
A node may only allocate huge pages for a single size, either 2MiB or 1GiB.
.. only:: partner
.. include:: ../../../_includes/
:start-after: usage-text-begin
:end-before: usage-text-end
You must also provision one 1GiB huge page per |NUMA| node prior to unlocking a
worker or an |AIO| controller.
.. rubric:: |prereq|
Before requesting huge pages on a host, ensure that the host has enough
available memory. For details,
see :ref:`About Host Memory Provisioning <about-host-memory-provisioning>`.
If a huge page request cannot be allocated from the available memory, an
informative message is displayed.
.. rubric:: |proc|
#. On the **Inventory** pane, lock the host you want to edit.
#. Click **Host Name** to open the settings for the host.
#. On the **Memory** tab, click **Update Memory**.
.. figure:: ../figures/esy1567176125909.png
:scale: 100%
#. Use the Update Memory Allocation dialog box to set the memory allocations
for each |NUMA| node.
.. only:: starlingx
For each available |NUMA| node, five fields are available, as illustrated
in the following example screen for two |NUMA| nodes. Due to limitations
in Kubernetes, only a single huge page size can be used per host, across
Application memory.
.. only:: partner
.. include:: ../../../_includes/
:start-after: limitation-text-begin
:end-before: limitation-text-end
.. figure:: ../figures/yfv1567176747837.png
:scale: 100%
**Platform Memory for Node n**
The amount of memory to reserve for platform use on the
|NUMA| Node, in MiB. To see the
minimum requirement, hover over the information icon next to the
.. figure:: ../figures/jow1436294915672.png
:scale: 100%
**\# of Application 2M Hugepages Node n**
.. only:: starlingx
The number of 2 MiB huge pages to reserve for application use on the
|NUMA| Node. If no 2 MiB pages are required, type 0. Due to
limitations in Kubernetes, only a single huge page size can be used per
host, across Application memory.
.. only:: partner
.. include:: ../../../_includes/
:start-after: application-2m-text-begin
:end-before: application-2m-text-end
**\# of Application 1G Hugepages Node n**
.. only:: starlingx
The number of 1 GiB huge pages to reserve for application use on the
|NUMA| Node. If no 1 GiB pages are required, type 0. Due to
limitations in Kubernetes, only a single huge page size can be used per
host, across Application memory.
.. only:: partner
.. include:: ../../../_includes/
:start-after: application-1g-text-begin
:end-before: application-1g-text-end
.. only:: partner
.. include:: ../../../_includes/
:start-after: vswitch-hugepage-1g-text-begin
:end-before: vswitch-hugepage-1g-text-end
.. only:: partner
.. include:: ../../../_includes/
:start-after: vswitch-hugepage-size-node-text-begin
:end-before: vswitch-hugepage-size-node-text-end
To see how many huge pages of a given size you can successfully request
on a node \(assuming that pages of another size are not also requested\),
hover over the information icon next to the field.
.. figure:: ../figures/jow1432129731308.png
:scale: 100%
Any unused memory is automatically allocated as 4 KiB pages of regular
memory for Applications.
#. Click **Save**.
#. Unlock the host and wait for it to be reported as **Available**.
.. only:: partner
.. include:: ../../../_includes/