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Standardize makefiles for multi-os support

Storyboard: https://storyboard.openstack.org/#!/story/2004043

The building and installation of some components in the flock are handled directly from the specfiles. At the beginning, this implementation was sufficient as only one OS was supoported, however in multi-os context, these components needs to be decoupled to let different building methods. In this proposal the intention is to decouple all the components that uses makefiles and let standard targets[1] like "install" to be used from specfiles, deb files or other build procedure.

Problem description

Some components in the flock don't have a proper build system, in the current implementation the building procedure is handled directly by the specfile and running an isolated building is not possible, this could be problematic considering the multi-os support. Thinking in a scenario where multiple OS can be package using these components, the usage of different build methods (rpm or deb) should be available.

There are different examples of non-standard building, consider this code:


The build target in this specfile is done through a makefile, however the %install section is managed directly from the specfile using "install" commands.

Also, in the code below, this component doesn't have a makefile at all and the whole procedure is done in the specfile:


In another cases, although there is a target to perform the installation is not an standard way:


Use Cases

A developer wants to build a StarlingX component for CentOS and Ubuntu:

Having a standard way to build the component, the developer will be able to create, easily, a rpm or deb package. Not having this implementation will cause that the rpm and deb will use different instructions to build the component, resulting in maintenance problems.

Proposed change

Create or modify makefiles to support only standard targets, decoupling the building and installation from the current CentOS specific specfiles.

Modify the affected specfiles to meet the change in the build and installation procedure.



Data model impact


REST API impact


Security impact


Other end user impact


Performance impact


Other deployer impact


Developer impact

Consider a developer working in multi-os support, more specific in enabling the building of StarlingX packages into different distributions, this work will reduce the applied effort. Having a decoupled building will ensure that the process to be similar as any other package maintainer.

Upgrade impact



Two types of components are considered in this change:

  • Components that have a makefile but it is incomplete or non-standard. Typically these components are C or C++ projects.
  • Components that don't have a makefile but the files are installed by the specfile. The most common case of these are components that include only scripts or configuration files.

The proposal is:

For the components in the types mentioned above, create or modify a makefile having the following characteristics:

  • The building and installation shall be managed by the makefile.
  • Support of environment variables for installation paths.
  • Only use standard targets. "all", "clean", "install". In some cases change "install_non_bb" to "install".

A typical implementation workflow would be that for each item listed in the "Repos Impacted" section:

  • Identify the building and installation procedure.
  • Create or modify the makefile to use only standard targets. Consider variables to configure installation directories, version or other required settings.
  • Verify that the specfile uses the makefile without additional steps.
  • Build the package with the new specfile.
  • Send one review per component changed.

The support for "dist" target is out of this proposal. That change will require it's own spec.


Erich Cordoba <ericho>

Repos Impacted

The repositories and components affected are:

  • stx-ha/service-mgmt/sm-1.0.0
  • stx-ha/service-mgmt/sm-db-1.0.0
  • stx-ha/service-mgmt/sm-common-1.0.0
  • stx-fault/fm-common
  • stx-fault/fm-mgr
  • stx-fault/snmp-ext
  • stx-fault/snmp-audittrail
  • stx-config/storageconfig
  • stx-config/computeconfig
  • stx-config/puppet-manifests
  • stx-config/compute-huge
  • stx-config/config-gate
  • stx-config/puppet-modules-wrs
  • stx-clients/remote-clients
  • stx-clients/install-log-server
  • stx-metal/mtce-storage
  • stx-metal/mtce-compute
  • stx-metal/mtce
  • stx-metal/cgts-mtce-control
  • stx-metal/mtce-common
  • stx-nfv/guest-client
  • stx-nfv/guest-agent
  • stx-nfv/mtce-guest
  • stx-nfv/guest-comm

Work items




This change should be transparent for the common developer, so no changes should be noticed after this implementation. The proposed testing is:

  • To have a full build: The build procedure shall be transparent for the developer.
  • A full sanity test cycle should pass without issues.

Documentation Impact

