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Separate CA for k8s and etcd

Storyboard: https://storyboard.openstack.org/#!/story/2008833

This proposal will separate CA for k8s and etcd

Problem description

Currently, we are reusing kubernetes-ca for etcd but not using a separate CA. Making one single root CA by copying the root certificate/key would blur the boundary of certificates for apiserver and etcd. It may cause unforeseen complexities for future features. kubernetes-ca and etcd-ca have different purposes and usage. Sharing cert between kubernetes-ca and etcd-ca will dramatically increase the complexity of updating etcd-ca cert. We'd better refer to the best practice for k8s and etcd certs in1

Use Cases

  • Admin wants to use a separate external root CA for etcd and k8s.
  • Admin wants to maintain the root CA for etcd and k8s separately

Proposed change

Fresh Deployment

  1. Generate self-signed CA certificate for etcd before apply bootstrap manifest
    Generate a unique CA for etcd and related certs.

    Copy apiserver-etcd-client.crt/key to /etc/kubernetes/pki/ Copy etcd ca and etcd-server crt/key to /etc/etcd/ Do not modify the Kubernetes-ca in /etc/kubernetes/pki/ Change etcd-ca and certs paths, that will be used by api-server in playbookconfig/src/playbooks/roles/common/files/kubeadm.yaml.erb

Changes for upgrade process

  • Simplex

    For simplex upgrade, it will use restore procedure during installing the new starlingx software. So we need to generate etcd-ca separately before apply bootstrap manifest for etcd during restore procedure, that is similar like we do for fresh deployment.

  • Duplex/Multi-node During upgrade-activate stage, we will do below

    1. Create /etc/kubernetes/pki/etcd/ subfolder, and generate etcd-ca and related certs
    2. Copy etcd-ca and related certs to /etc/kubernetes/pki/etcd/ and /etc/etcd/
    3. Restart etcd, and update the config of api-server before restart it.



Data model impact


REST API impact


Security impact

It can reduce the security risk after separate k8s CA and etcd CA

Other end user impact


Performance Impact


Other deployer impact

Admin user is able to use separate external root ca cert for k8s and etcd

Developer impact


Upgrade impact

It has already been described in section Proposed change



Primary assignee:

Repos Impacted

ansible-playbooks stx-puppet config

Work Items

The work items have already been described in section Proposed change




  • Deployment test on both simplex and duplex.
  • Switch active controller.
  • Lock/unlock of a simplex controller.
  • Backup/Restore test on simplex and duplex.
  • Spontaneous reboot of a simplex controller.
  • Re-installing a controller host on a duplex setup and then swacting to it.
  • Upgrade test on both simplex and duplex.

Documentation Impact



Release Name Description
stx.6.0 Separate CA for k8s and etcd

  1. https://kubernetes.io/docs/setup/best-practices/certificates/↩︎