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Distributed Cloud

This test plan covers Distributed Cloud regression. It covers basic functionality for the following features:

  • Alarm
  • Installation and commissioning
  • DOR
  • Keystone
  • Process Kill
  • Share Configuration
  • VM operational

Overall Requirements

IP4 & IP6 Distributed Cloud system installed successful.

Test Cases


Test ID


Test Title

test_Alarm Aggregation


P4, Distributed Cloud, Alarm, Regression, AUTOMATABLE

Test Objective

This test is ensure to alarm aggregation working well in StarlingX.

Test Pre-Conditions

IP4 Distributed Cloud system installed successful.

Test Steps

  1. Add subcloud
    1. Row appears in dcmanager alarm summary
  2. Manage subcloud
    1. Snmp trapdest pushed to subcloud
    2. Row in dcmanager alarm summary updated to actual alarm values
  3. Delete Subcloud
    1. Row removed from dcmanager alarm summary
  4. Trigger Alarm (Managed Subcloud)
    1. System alarm-summary on subcloud matches dcmanager alarm summary on system controller within 10 seconds
  5. Clear Alarm (Managed Subcloud)
    1. System alarm-summary on subcloud matches dcmanager alarm summary on system controller within 10 seconds
  6. Trigger Alarm (Unmanaged Subcloud): (previously managed
    1. System alarm-summary on subcloud matches dcmanager alarm summary on system controller within 10 seconds
  7. Clear Alarm (Unmanaged Subcloud) : (previously managed
    1. System alarm-summary on subcloud matches dcmanager alarm summary on system controller within 10 seconds
  8. Cut connectivity to subcloud, trigger alarms
    1. System alarm-summary on subcloud matches dcmanager alarm summary on system controller 15 minutes of reconectivity,
  9. Large scale alarm event: Trigger many alarms quickly on subcloud-1. During this period slowly (less than 10 per minute) trigger alarms on subcloud-4. Subcloud-1 alarm summary updates once every 30 seconds on subcloud-4 matches dcmanager alarm summary on system controller within 10 seconds (i.e not throttled).
  10. Trigger large amount of alarms quickly for a long time on all subclouds Each alarm summary updates once every 30 seconds until the event is over

Expected Behaviour

As above.


Test ID


Test Title

Basic installation and commissioning of distributed cloud system non-interactive config controller


P1, Distributed Cloud, Alarm, Regression

Test Objective

This test is to ensure the installation working well in StarlingX.

Test Pre-Conditions


Test Steps

  1. Provision a distributed cloud system using the interactive config_controller using the customer documented procedure.
  2. Validate the fields make sense and will not accept erroneous information.
  3. Ensure you have a working system at the end of the procedure, i.e. VMs can be launched, volumes created, subclouds operating as expected.

In this test, enable the following: IPv6

Expected Behaviour

Installation success.


Test ID


Test Title

test_Delete a subcloud and readd with same config


P4, Distributed Cloud, Regression, AUTOMATABLE

Test Objective

To ensure delete subcloud working well in StartlingX.

Test Pre-Conditions

Subcloud installed.

Test Steps

Delete a subcloud.

Expected Behaviour

Subcloud deleted successfully.


Test ID


Test Title

test_Distributed cloud log file generation and rotation


P4, Distributed Cloud, Regression, AUTOMATABLE

Test Objective

To ensure DC log working well in StartlingX.

Test Pre-Conditions

DC lab installed.

Test Steps

  1. Distributed cloud log files should be found here:

  2. Ensure the directories are listed in /etc/logrotate.d/syslog

  3. Check the rotation by 'vim /etc/logrotate.d/syslog/' and edit the 'size' field to a small value, e.g. 10K:

      size 10M
      start 1
      rotate 20
      systemctl reload syslog-ng > /dev/null 2>&1 || true
  4. ps -ef | grep logmgmt and then kill the process

  5. ps -ef | grep syslog-ng and then kill the process

  6. Ensure the logs are rotated

  7. Restore the config at the end of the test

Expected Behaviour

Every steps executed successfully.


Test ID


Test Title

test_DOR: Entire System (all subclouds managed)


P4, Distributed Cloud, Regression, AUTOMATABLE

Test Objective

To ensure DOR for entire system working well in StartlingX.

Test Pre-Conditions

Distributed Cloud system is installed and VMs have been created, traffic is running, ping test is running.

Test Steps

Do a full system DOR.

Expected Behaviour

Ensure the entire system recovers.


Test ID


Test Title

test_DOR: Single Subcloud - Managed


P4, Distributed Cloud, Regression, AUTOMATABLE

Test Objective

To ensure DOR for Single managed subcloud working well in StartlingX.

Test Pre-Conditions

Distributed Cloud system is installed and VMs have been created, traffic is running, ping test is running.

Test Steps

Do a DOR only on a managed subcloud.

Expected Behaviour

Ensure the system recovers.


Test ID


Test Title

test_DOR: Single Subcloud - Unmanaged


P4, Distributed Cloud, Regression, AUTOMATABLE

Test Objective

To ensure DOR for Single unmanaged subcloud working well in StartlingX.

Test Pre-Conditions

Distributed Cloud system is installed and VMs have been created, traffic is running, ping test is running.

Test Steps

Do a DOR only on a unmanaged subcloud.

Expected Behaviour

Ensure the system recovers.


Test ID


Test Title

test DOR System Controller


P4, Distributed Cloud, Regression, AUTOMATABLE

Testcase Objective

To ensure DOR for system controller working well in StartlingX.

Test Pre-Conditions

Distributed Cloud system is installed and VMs have been created, traffic is running, ping test is running.

Test Steps

Do a DOR only on the system controller.

Expected Behaviour

Ensure the system recovers and ensure the subclouds are operational while the system controller is down.


Test ID


Test Title

test_Installation and Commissioning: Configure AIO-DX Subcloud - IPv4


P4, Distributed Cloud, Regression, AUTOMATABLE

Test Objective

To ensure installation DX IPv4 working well in StartlingX.

Test Pre-Conditions


Test Steps

Configure AIO-DX subclouds in IPv4.

Expected Behaviour

Ensure dc DX subcloud installation successfully.


Test ID


Test Title

test_Installation and Commissioning: Configure AIO-DX Subcloud - IPv6


P4, Distributed Cloud, Regression, AUTOMATABLE

Test Objective

To ensure installation DX IPv6 working well in StartlingX.

Test Pre-Conditions


Test Steps

Configure AIO-DX subclouds in IPv6.

Expected Behaviour

Ensure dc DX subcloud installation successfully.


Test ID


Test Title

test_Installation and Commissioning: Configure AIO-SX Subcloud - IPv4


P4, Distributed Cloud, Regression, AUTOMATABLE

Test Objective

To ensure installation SX IPv4 working well in StartlingX.

Test Pre-Conditions


Test Steps

Configure AIO-SX subclouds in IPv4.

Expected Behaviour

Ensure dc SX subcloud installation successfully.

Test ID


Test Title

test_Installation and Commissioning: Configure AIO-SX Subcloud - IPv6


P4, Distributed Cloud, Regression, AUTOMATABLE

Test Objective

To ensure installation DX IPv6 working well in StartlingX.

Test Pre-Conditions


Test Steps

Configure AIO-SX subclouds in IPv6.

Expected Behaviour

Ensure dc SX subcloud installation successfully.


Test ID


Test Title

test_Installation and Commissioning: Configure Standard Subcloud - IPv4


P4, Distributed Cloud, Regression, AUTOMATABLE

Test Objective

To ensure installation standard IPv4 working well in StartlingX.

Test Pre-Conditions


Test Steps

Configure Standard subclouds in IPv4.

Expected Behaviour

Ensure dc Standard subcloud installation successfully.

Test ID


Test Title

test_Installation and Commissioning: Configure Standard Subcloud - IPv6


P4, Distributed Cloud, Regression, AUTOMATABLE

Test Objective

To ensure installation standard IPv6 working well in StartlingX.

Test Pre-Conditions

Configure Standard subclouds in IPv6.

Expected Behaviour

Ensure dc Standard subcloud installation successfully.


Test ID


Test Title

test_Installation and Commissioning: Setup Distributed Cloud with IPv6 configuration


P4, Distributed Cloud, Regression, AUTOMATABLE

Test Objective

To ensure installation standard IPv6 working well in StartlingX.

Test Pre-Conditions


Test Steps

As the title.

Expected Behaviour

Ensure dc installation successfully.


Test ID


Test Title

test_endpoint list from subcloud region, no longer lists all services in the endpoint region


P4, Distributed Cloud, Regression, AUTOMATABLE

Test Objective

To ensure endpoint list from subcloud working well in StartlingX.

Test Pre-Conditions


Test Steps

From the subcloud region, run:

$ openstack endpoint list

returns eg. Region subcloud-6

Service Types eg. placement, compute, cloudformation, network, patching,
alarming, metric, image, event, orchestration, nfv, platform, volumev2
(each listed with Interface admin, internal and public)

Expected Behaviour


  • The only endpoints returned should be for that specific subcloud region Service Type (Name) identity (keystone), image (glance), volume (cinder) platform (sysinv), alarming, placement, compute (nova), orchestration cloudformation (heat), network (neutron), patching, metering (ceilometer), nfv (vim) etc.
  • Keystone Service Name should only list a small number of endpoints e.g. returns ID, Region, service Name, Service Type, Enabled, Interface, URL pass BUILD_ID="2018-07-08_21-40-00" System_Controller WCp 90-91


Test ID


Test Title

test_endpoint list from central region should return the service catalog for all Regions


P4, Distributed Cloud, Regression, AUTOMATABLE

Test Objective

To ensure endpoint list from central region working well in StartlingX.

Test Pre-Conditions


Test Steps

From the centrol region, run:

$ openstack endpoint list

eg. the ID, Region (such as subcloud-#), Service Name keystone, Service Type
identity and respective Interface URLs are returned

| subcloud-1 | keystone | identity | True | internal
| http://[fd01:2::2]:5000/v3 |
| subcloud-1 | keystone | identity | True | admin
| http://[fd01:2::2]:5000/v3 |
| subcloud-# | keystone | identity | True | internal
| http://[fd01:3::2]:5000/v3 |
| subcloud-# | keystone | identity | True | admin
| http://[fd01:3::2]:5000/v3

Expected Behaviour

From the central region, this returns the service catalog for all Regions. For example, the central region includes an endpoint filter group for a particular region: Region that is associated to the central keystone services project:

System_Controller wcp 90-91


Test ID


Test Title

test_Process Kill and Recovery in Subcloud


P4, Distributed Cloud, Regression, AUTOMATABLE

Test Objective

To ensure process killing on subcloud working well in StartlingX.

Test Pre-Conditions


Test Steps

  1. Kill one critical processes in the system controller (use sm-dump to determine which are critical).
  2. Ensure the system behaves as expected with respect to process recovery and alarming.
  3. Ensure the system continues to operate after the process failure.
  4. Repeat for one major processes.
  5. Repeat for one minor processes.

Expected Behaviour

All killed processes will be recovered.


Test ID


Test Title

test_Process Kill and Recovery: System Controller


P4, Distributed Cloud, Regression, AUTOMATABLE

Test Objective

To ensure process killing on system controller working well in StartlingX.

Test Pre-Conditions

Test Steps

  1. Kill distributed cloud related processes using either:

    ps -ef | grep <processname> to determine the pid OR
    sudo sm-dump --pid
  2. Kill via sudo kill -9 <pid> or sudo killall <processname>.

  3. After two kills, the max kills threshold should be reached in sm.log, and swact should occur.

  4. Ensure the event log shows the failures.

Expected Behaviour

All killed processes will be recovered. Here are observations from testing (for reference):

  • dcorch-engine done (2 kills = swact)
  • dcmanager-manager done (multiple kills done but no swact sometimes CGTS-9741)
  • dcmanager-api done (2 kills = swact)
  • dcorch-snmp done (2 kills = swact)
  • dcorch-sysinv-api-proxy done (2 kills = swact)
  • dcorch-nova-api-proxy done (kill once and the process cannot recover eventually we will swact CGTS-9742)
  • dcorch-neutron-api-proxy done (kill once and swact. Tried later and saw kill once and process cannot recover - eventually we will swact CGTS-9742)
  • dcorch-cinder-api-proxy done (similar behaviour to dcmanager-manager)
  • drbd-dc-vault NOT SURE HOW TO KILL (tried systemctl and service but there is no process)
  • dc-vault-fs NOT SURE HOW TO KILL (tried systemctl and service but there is no process)
  • dcorch-patch-api-proxy (done, kill once and saw swact, later multiple kills and no swact, later two kills and a swact - inconsistent behaviour)


Test ID


Test Title

test_Shared Configuration Propagation: Cinder - Quotas


P4, Distributed Cloud, Regression, AUTOMATABLE

Test Objective

To ensure Shared Configuration Propagation, Cinder - Quotas on DC working well in StarlingX.

Test Pre-Conditions


Test Steps

Assumption: The distributed cloud system is already installed and commissioned. This includes a System Controller and multiple subclouds. At least one subcloud should be in unmanaged state, meaning the changes to that cloud should be queued until they can be propagated.

Note, this would assume that the subclouds are setup to use cinder storage on the system controller.

  1. Define the cinder quota on the System Controller.
  2. Confirm that the changes are propagated to any subclouds that are managed.
  3. Confirm that the changes are not propagated to subclouds that are not managed.
  4. Manage the unmanaged subcloud.
  5. Ensure it is eventually updated with the expected quotas.
  6. Attempt to exceed the quota. Note, ensure this quota applies to all subclouds, not per individual subcloud.
  7. Ensure this is rejected.
  8. Attempt to update the quota locally on an unmanaged subcloud.
  9. Ensure the subcloud can exceed the overall system quota.
  10. Manage the unmanaged subcloud.
  11. Ensure that nothing can be launched until the usage drops into the expected range.

Expected Behaviour

All Test steps are passed.


Test ID


Test Title

test_Shared Configuration Propagation: DNS


P4, Distributed Cloud, Regression, AUTOMATABLE

Test Objective

To ensure Shared Configuration Propagation DNS on DC working well in StartlingX.

Test Pre-Conditions


Test Steps

Assumption: The distributed cloud system is already installed and commissioned. This includes a System Controller and multiple subclouds. At least one subcloud should be in unmanaged state, meaning the changes to that cloud should be queued until they can be propagated.

  1. Define valid DNS servers on the System Controller.
  2. Confirm that the changes are propagated to any subclouds that are managed.
  3. Confirm that DNS changes are not propagated to subclouds that are not managed.
  4. Manage the unmanaged subcloud.
  5. Ensure it is eventually updated with the expected DNS servers.
  6. Restore the subcloud back to unmanaged state at the end of the test.
  7. Repeat test but this time, remove one of the DNS servers.
  8. Ensure the changes are propagated to the managed nodes but not unmanaged, but once the unmanaged node is managed, the changes should be propagated.
  9. Repeat test but this time, include an invalid DNS server.
  10. Ensure the changes are propagated to the managed nodes but not unmanaged, but once the unmanaged node is managed, the changes should be propagated.
  11. Ensure there is no impact due to having an invalid DNS server propagated through the system.
  12. Repeat test but this time make a local DNS change on the subcloud while the subcloud is unmanaged.
  13. Ensure the DNS servers are not overwritten in the audit interval (10 minutes).
  14. Change the subcloud so it is managed.
  15. Verify the local changes are overwritten when the system is synchronized.

Expected Behaviour

All Test steps are passed.


Test ID


Test Title

test_Shared Configuration Propagation: Glance


P4, Distributed Cloud, Regression, AUTOMATABLE

Test Objective

To ensure Shared Configuration Propagation glance on DC working well in StartlingX.

Test Pre-Conditions


Test Steps

  1. Create glance image in system controller: new image create.
  2. Check new image seen on sub cloud: new image showing on sub cloud.
  3. Launch VM by using new image in subcloud, VM launched.

Expected Behaviour

All Test steps are passed.


Test ID


Test Title

test Shared Configuration Propagation: Keystone - User Information


P4, Distributed Cloud, Regression, AUTOMATABLE

Test Objective

To ensure Shared Configuration Propagation keystone on DC working well in StartlingX.

Test Pre-Conditions

Assumption: The distributed cloud system is already installed and commissioned. This includes a System Controller and multiple subclouds. At least one subcloud should be in unmanaged state, meaning the changes to that cloud should be queued until they can be propagated.

Test Steps

  1. SC (System Controller): create a new user, should see the new created user test-1:

    openstack user create --password Li69nux* test-1
    opentstack user list
  2. In managed SubC, opentstack user list should see the new created user test-1.

  3. In unmanaged SubC, opentstack user list should NOT see the new created user test-1.

  4. Manage the unmanaged subcloud: dcmanager subcloud manage subcloud-name unmanaged SubC shows managed dcmanager subcloud list in this managed cloud: opentstack user list should see the new created user test-1

  5. Restore the subcloud back to unmanaged state dcmanager subcloud unmanage subcloud-name managed SubC shows unmanaged dcmanager subcloud list in SC: remove one of the users: openstack user delete test-1 user should not be seen in SC

  6. In unmanaged SubC, opentstack user list should still see user test-1

  7. Manage the unmanaged subcloud: dcmanager subcloud manage subcloud-name user should not be seen in managed SubC

  8. Change user password in SC make sure the PW is changed in SC

  9. Check managed SubC of the change user password is changed in managed SubC

  10. Check unmanaged SubC of the change user password is NOT changed in unmanaged SubC

  11. Manage the unmanaged subcloud: dcmanager subcloud manage subcloud-name user password is changed in managed SubC

  12. Create a local user on the subcloud while the subcloud is unmanaged Ensure the user information is not overwritten in the audit interval (15 minutes)

  13. Change the subcloud so it is managed Verify the local changes are overwritten when the system is synchronized

Expected Behaviour

All Test steps are passed.


Test ID


Test Title

test_Shared Configuration Propagation: LDAP


P4, Distributed Cloud, Regression, AUTOMATABLE

Test Objective

To ensure Shared Configuration Propagation LDAP on DC working well in StartlingX.

Test Pre-Conditions

Assumption: The distributed cloud system is already installed and commissioned. This includes a System Controller and multiple subclouds. At least one subcloud should be in unmanaged state, meaning the changes to that cloud should be queued until they can be propagated.

Test Steps

  1. Create LDAP user on SystemController "ldap_testing", Verify changes on main cloud propagate to sub cloud:

    sudo ldapusersetup
  2. Modify an existing LDAP user on the SystemController, verify changes on main cloud propagate to sub cloud:

    date; sudo ldapmodifyuser systest replace userPassword Li69nux*

Expected Behaviour

All Test steps are passed.


Test ID


Test Title

test_Shared Configuration Propagation: Neutron - Quotas


P4, Distributed Cloud, Regression, AUTOMATABLE

Test Objective

To ensure Shared Configuration Propagation Neutron Quotas on DC working well in StartlingX.

Test Pre-Conditions


Test Steps

Assumption: The distributed cloud system is already installed and commissioned. This includes a System Controller and multiple subclouds. At least one subcloud should be in unmanaged state, meaning the changes to that cloud should be queued until they can be propagated.

  1. Define the following quotas on the System Controller:

    openstack --os-region-name SystemController quota set admin --floating-ips 20 --ports 50
  2. Confirm that the changes are propagated to any subclouds that are managed.

  3. Confirm that the changes are not propagated to subclouds that are not managed.

  4. Manage the unmanaged subcloud.

  5. Ensure it is eventually updated with the expected quotas.

  6. Attempt to exceed the quota. Note, ensure this quota applies to all subclouds, not per individual subcloud.

  7. Ensure this is rejected.

  8. List the quota usage from all the subclouds and ensure it is accurate.

  9. Attempt to update the quota locally on an unmanaged subcloud.

  10. Ensure the subcloud can exceed the overall system quota.

  11. Manage the unmanaged subcloud.

  12. Ensure that nothing can be launched until the usage drops into the expected range.

Expected Behaviour

All Test steps are passed.


Test ID


Test Title

test_Shared Configuration Propagation: Neutron - Security Groups


P4, Distributed Cloud, Regression, AUTOMATABLE

Test Objective

To ensure Shared Configuration Propagation Neutron security groups on DC working well in StartlingX.

Test Pre-Conditions


Test Steps

Assumption: The distributed cloud system is already installed and commissioned. This includes a System Controller and multiple subclouds. At least one subcloud should be in unmanaged state, meaning the changes to that cloud should be queued until they can be propagated.

  1. Define a new security group, set the group properties and define some security group rules on the System Controller.
  2. Confirm that the changes are propagated to any subclouds that are managed.
  3. Confirm that the changes are not propagated to subclouds that are not managed.
  4. Manage the unmanaged subcloud.
  5. Ensure it is eventually updated with the expected security group information.
  6. Restore the subcloud to unmanaged at the end of the test.
  7. Repeat test but this time, modify the security group, i.e. group properties, group rules.
  8. Ensure the changes are propagated to the managed nodes but not unmanaged, but once the unmanaged node is managed, the changes should be propagated.
  9. Repeat test but this time, delete the security group.
  10. Ensure the changes are propagated to the managed nodes but not unmanaged, but once the unmanaged node is managed, the changes should be propagated.

Expected Behaviour

All Test steps are passed.


Test ID


Test Title

test_Shared Configuration Propagation: Nova - Flavors


P4, Distributed Cloud, Regression, AUTOMATABLE

Test Objective

To ensure Shared Configuration Propagation Nova Flavors on DC working well in StartlingX.

Test Pre-Conditions


Test Steps

Assumption: The distributed cloud system is already installed and commissioned. This includes a System Controller and multiple subclouds. At least one subcloud should be in unmanaged state, meaning the changes to that cloud should be queued until they can be propagated.

  1. Define the following flavors on the System Controller:

    Group 1:
    nova --os-region-name SystemController flavor-create s.f1 auto 512 1 1
    openstack --os-region-name SystemController flavor create
    --public m1.extra_tiny --id auto --ram 256 --disk 0 --vcpus 1 --rxtx-factor 1
    Group 2:
    nova --os-region-name SystemController flavor-create s.f1 auto 512 1 1
    nova --os-region-name SystemController flavor-key s.f1 set
    nova --os-region-name SystemController flavor-key s.f1 set
    Group 3:
    nova --os-region-name SystemController flavor-create s.p1 auto 512 1 1
    --is-public false
    nova --os-region-name SystemController flavor-access-add s.p1 <tenant_id>
  2. Confirm that the changes are propagated to any subclouds that are managed.

  3. Confirm that the changes are not propagated to subclouds that are not managed.

  4. Manage the unmanaged subcloud.

  5. Ensure it is eventually updated with the expected flavors.

  6. Ensure you can deploy a VM with one of the propagated flavors.

  7. Restore the subcloud back to unmanaged state at the end of the test.

  8. Repeat test but this time, remove one of the flavors from each group.

  9. Ensure the changes are propagated to the managed nodes but not unmanaged, but once the unmanaged node is managed, the changes should be propagated.

Expected Behaviour

All Test steps are passed.


Test ID


Test Title

test_Shared Configuration Propagation: Nova - Keypairs


P4, Distributed Cloud, Regression, AUTOMATABLE

Testcase Objective

To ensure Shared Configuration Propagation Nova keypairs Quotas on DC working well in StartlingX.

Test Pre-Conditions

Test Steps

Assumption: The distributed cloud system is already installed and commissioned. This includes a System Controller and multiple subclouds. At least one subcloud should be in unmanaged state, meaning the changes to that cloud should be queued until they can be propagated.

  1. Define a key pair on the System Controller:

    nova --os-region-name SystemController keypair-add kp_test
  2. Confirm that the changes are propagated to any subclouds that are managed.

  3. Confirm that the changes are not propagated to subclouds that are not managed.

  4. Manage the unmanaged subcloud.

  5. Ensure it is eventually updated with the expected keypair.

  6. Restore the subcloud back to unmanaged state at the end of the test.

  7. Repeat test but this time, remove the keypair.

  8. Ensure the changes are propagated to the managed nodes but not unmanaged, but once the unmanaged node is managed, the changes should be propagated.

  9. Ensure you can use those keypairs to launch VMs.

Expected Behaviour

All Test steps are passed.


Test ID


Test Title

test_Shared Configuration Propagation: Nova - Quotas


P4, Distributed Cloud, Regression, AUTOMATABLE

Testcase Objective

To ensure Shared Configuration Propagation Nova Quotas on DC working well in StarlingX.

Test Pre-Conditions


Test Steps

Assumption: The distributed cloud system is already installed and commissioned. This includes a System Controller and multiple subclouds. At least one subcloud should be in unmanaged state, meaning the changes to that cloud should be queued until they can be propagated.

  1. Define the following quotas on the System Controller:

    nova --os-region-name SystemController quota-update <project_id>
    --user <user name> --cores 20
    nova --os-region-name SystemController quota-delete --tenant <project_id>
    --user <user name>
    nova --os-region-name SystemController quota-class-update --instances 30
    --ram 50 default
  2. Confirm that the changes are propagated to any subclouds that are managed.

  3. Confirm that the changes are not propagated to subclouds that are not managed.

  4. Manage the unmanaged subcloud.

  5. Ensure it is eventually updated with the expected quotas.

  6. Attempt to exceed the quota. Note, ensure this quota applies. to all subclouds, not per individual subcloud.

  7. Ensure this is rejected.

  8. List the quota usage from all the subclouds and ensure it is accurate.

    nova --os-region-name SystemController quota-show --detail
    nova --os-region-name SystemController quota-show --detail --user <user name>
  9. Attempt to update the quota locally on an unmanaged subcloud.

  10. Ensure the subcloud can exceed the overall system quota.

  11. Manage the unmanaged subcloud.

  12. Ensure that nothing can be launched until the usage drops into the expected range.

Expected Behaviour

All Test steps are passed.


Test ID


Test Title

test_Shared Configuration Propagation: NTP


P4, Distributed Cloud, Regression, AUTOMATABLE

Test Objective

To ensure Shared Configuration Propagation NTP on DC working well in StartlingX.

Test Pre-Conditions


Test Steps

Assumption: The distributed cloud system is already installed and commissioned. This includes a System Controller and multiple subclouds. At least one subcloud should be in unmanaged state, meaning the changes to that cloud should be queued until they can be propagated.

  1. Define valid NTP servers on the System Controller.
  2. Confirm that the changes are propagated to any subclouds that are managed.
  3. Confirm that the changes are not propagated to subclouds that are not managed.
  4. Manage the unmanaged subcloud.
  5. Ensure it is eventually updated with the expected NTP servers.
  6. Restore the subcloud back to unmanaged state at the end of the test.
  7. Repeat test but this time, remove one of the NTP servers.
  8. Ensure the changes are propagated to the managed nodes but not unmanaged, but once the unmanaged node is managed, the changes should be propagated.
  9. Repeat test but this time, include an invalid NTP server.
  10. Ensure the changes are propagated to the managed nodes but not unmanaged, but once the unmanaged node is managed, the changes should be propagated.
  11. Ensure there are alarms for the unreachable NTP servers. These alarms should be reported for each managed subcloud.
  12. Repeat test but this time make a local NTP change on the subcloud while the subcloud is unmanaged.
  13. Ensure the NTP servers are not overwritten in the audit interval (10 minutes).
  14. Change the subcloud so it is managed.
  15. Verify the local changes are overwritten when the system is synchronized.

Expected Behaviour

All Test steps are passed.


Test ID


Test Title

test_Shared Configuration Propagation: SNMP


P4, Distributed Cloud, Regression, AUTOMATABLE

Test Objective

To ensure Shared Configuration Propagation SNMP on DC working well in StartlingX.

Test Pre-Conditions


Test Steps

Assumption: The distributed cloud system is already installed and commissioned. This includes a System Controller and multiple subclouds. At least one subcloud should be in unmanaged state, meaning the changes to that cloud should be queued until they can be propagated.

  1. Define a valid SNMP community string and trap destination on the System Controller.
  2. Confirm that the changes are propagated to any subclouds that are managed.
  3. Confirm that the changes are not propagated to subclouds that are not managed.
  4. Manage the unmanaged subcloud.
  5. Ensure it is eventually updated with the expected SNMP information.
  6. Restore the subcloud back to unmanaged state at the end of the test.
  7. Initiate an action on the subcloud that would generate a SNMP trap, e.g. fileystem threshold exceeded for nova-local.
  8. Sure the SNMP trap is generated.
  9. Repeat test but this time, modify the community string.
  10. Ensure the changes are propagated to the managed nodes but not unmanaged, but once the unmanaged node is managed, the changes should be propagated.
  11. Ensure traps can still be generated.
  12. Repeat test but this time make a local SNMP trap destination change on the subcloud while the subcloud is unmanaged.
  13. Ensure the SNMP info is not overwritten in the audit interval (10 minutes).
  14. Change the subcloud so it is managed.
  15. Verify the local changes are overwritten when the system is synchronized.
  16. Ensure traps can be generated.

Expected Behaviour

All Test steps are passed.


Test ID


Test Title

test_Subcloud swacting


P4, Distributed Cloud, Regression, AUTOMATABLE

Test Objective

To ensure subcloud swacting on DC working well in StartlingX.

Test Pre-Conditions


Test Steps

  1. Swact subcloud controllers, Controllers swacted without alarms.
  2. Change some of the the shared configuration on the system controller, e.g. NTP. Ensure changes are still propagated after swact.
  3. Change some of the same configuration on the subcloud, i.e. DNS. Ensure the changes are overwritten by audit.

Expected Behaviour

All Test steps are passed.


Test ID


Test Title

test SystemController swacting


P4, Distributed Cloud, Regression, AUTOMATABLE

Test Objective

To ensure system controller swacting on DC working well in StartlingX.

Test Pre-Conditions


Test Steps

  1. Swact system controller. System controller swact successfully without alarms
  2. Change some of the configuration on the subcloud so it is out of sync with the system controller.
  3. Ensure changes are still overwritten by audit.
  4. Change some of the configuration in the system controller.
  5. Ensure changes are still propagated to the subclouds

Expected Behaviour

All Test steps are passed.


Test ID


Test Title

test_VM operations on sync online subcloud


P4, Distributed Cloud, Regression, AUTOMATABLE

Test Objective

To ensure VM operation on subcloud working well in StartlingX.

Test Pre-Conditions

Test Steps

  1. VM launch, VM launch success.
  2. VM rebuild
  3. VM live migration
  4. VM cold migration
  5. VM evacuation
  6. VM delete

Expected Behaviour

All test steps are passed.


Test ID


Test Title

test_VM Operations: on isolated subcloud


P4, Distributed Cloud, Regression, AUTOMATABLE

Test Objective

To ensure VM operation on isolated subcloud working well in StartlingX.

Test Pre-Conditions


Test Steps

  1. Before subcloud isolated: Launch VM, Vm Launch success.

  2. VM image is cached, hit shows 0:

    glance-cache-manage -H ${subcloud_floating_ip} list-cached
  3. Sub cloud isolate by shutting off main cloud or pulling off Mgt cables on both controllers.

  4. Cut off mgmt network connection (pull Maincloud mgmt cable)

  5. Launch VM with cached image, VM launch success.

  6. VM rebuild

  7. VM live migration

  8. VM cold migration

  9. VM evacuation

  10. Vm delete

Expected Behaviour

All Test Step are passed.
