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Update default certificate configuration to use cert-manager on install
This story updates the default certificate configuration to use cert-manager
on fresh StarlingX installation. The story covers installs for both
standalone and distributed cloud systems.
Key Objectives:
* Enable HTTPS by default on all core platform APIs
* Use cert-manager for managing all default platform certificates, in order
to simplify certificate management (e.g. auto-renewals)
* Use a common/single auto-generated (via cert-manager) local root CA for
signing all default certificates, such that external clients need to only
trust a single additional Root CA for accessing all StarlingX APIs securely
* Use the same naming and certificate hierarchy in system controller and
Note: This story is a continuation of
https://storyboard.openstack.org/#!/story/2007361 which introduced the use
of cert-manager for managing REST API, registry, and oidc certificates.
In stx.6.0:
* Only the K8S API and registry.local API is configured as HTTPS by default;
the StarlingX REST APIs and Horizon are configured as HTTP by default
* The default certificate configurations do not use cert-manager
on fresh installs. The user has to configure the system explicitly
to use cert-manager to create/manage platform certificates.
Problem description
The now recommended cert-manager based certificate management is not used for
platform certificates from initial setup. That results in certificates, such
as the registry.local certificate, not taking advantage of features like auto
renewal, which are offered by cert-manager.
By default, these platform certificates (StarlingX REST API/GUI and registry.local
certificates) are auto generated, self-signed certificates. That means they
are static and need to be re-configured manually via `system
certificate-install` when they approach expiration or manually reconfigured to
use cert-manager [2]_ to be auto renewable.
Additionally, this initial setup, does not enable HTTPS on all interfaces.
Interfaces such as StarlingX REST API / GUI are left as HTTP only and need to
be manually switched, with `system modify --https_enabled true` [5]_, to be
secured with HTTPS.
Use Cases
* System bootstrap
Proposed change
This story addresses this issue by updating system bootstrap to:
* Create a system-local-ca 'tls' type kubernetes secret to be the top of the
platform certificate chain
* Create a cert-manager `ClusterIssuer` that uses system-local-ca for signing
all platform certificates
This system-local-ca will be auto-populated with the kubernetes Root CA certificate
and key [1]_, such that the default platform certificate configuration will use a single
Root CA for all Platform Certificates (i.e. k8s, starlingx, registry).
Note that the kubernetes Root CA is either auto-generated by the system at startup,
or specified by user as a bootstrap playbook override. [4]_
Also at system bootstrap, the platform certificates (StarlingX REST API/GUI and
registry.local certificates) will be created using cert-manager `Certificates`,
with the system-local-ca specified as the `Issuer` to sign them.
Also, from system bootstrap, HTTPS will be enabled by default for communication
across platform rest APIS. Interfaces such as StarlingX REST API / GUI will be
HTTPS by default.
More important, this change encourages users to use and take advantage of
cert-manager which is now recommended for certificate management in the platform.
Have system-local-ca and the kubernetes Root CA be different ICA certificates
and another Root CA at the very top of both.
This option was considered but discarded for now as it needs careful
consideration. Also the hierarchy proposed here with cert-manager can be
easily adapted to have another `ClusterIssuer` at the top, if we decide to
evolve in that direction.
Data model impact
REST API impact
No impact to REST API schema specification. However, connections are now
secured by HTTPS.
Security impact
* Enhanced security by having platform certificates managed by cert-manager
by default
* Enhanced security as cert-manager makes it easier to have certificates
with shorter durations
* Enhanced security by enabling platform certificates auto renewal
* Enhanced security by having https enabled by default
* Simpler external clients connection as they need to only trust a single
additional Root CA for accessing all StarlingX APIs securely
Other end user impact
The default horizon URL [6]_ will change to HTTPS protocol and port: https://<oam-floating-ip-address>:8443
Performance Impact
Most of the changes for this feature are in the system bootstrap with little impact on
performance. After bootstrap, no performance impact is expected.
Other deployer impact
Developer impact
Third party automated scripts connecting to StarlingX REST APIs may need
to be updated in order to use the HTTPS connection.
Upgrade impact
Primary assignee:
* Rei Oliveira (rjosemat)
Repos Impacted
Impacted repo from this spec:
* config
* stx-ansible
Work Items
* Make cert-mon aware of secrets created before its startup
* Create system-local-ca issuer and platform certificates as part of ansible
bootstrap playbook
* Auto-addition of Root CA values to sucloud bootstrap overrides based on
system-controller's (dcmanager subcloud add)
* Add support to auto generate Root CA to migrate-platform-certificate
playbook - Story 2007361, task 44036 [3]_
* Developer testing - bootstrap / CA update on different system configurations
System Upgrade
The feature must be tested in the following StarlingX configurations:
* Standalone
* Distributed Cloud
The test can be performed on hardware or virtual environments.
Testing must consist of:
* System installation / boostrap
* Certificate renewals
* Root CA updates after bootstrap
Documentation Impact
This story affects:
* The StarlingX installation / bootstrap documentation.
* Horizon access documentation[6]_ will change to HTTPS protocol and port: https://<oam-floating-ip-address>:8443
.. [1] https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/administer-cluster/kubeadm/kubeadm-certs/
.. [2] https://cert-manager.io/docs/
.. [3] https://storyboard.openstack.org/#!/story/2007361
.. [4] https://docs.starlingx.io/deploy_install_guides/r5_release/ansible_bootstrap_configs.html#kubernetes-root-ca-certificate-and-key
.. [5] https://docs.starlingx.io/security/kubernetes/enable-https-access-for-starlingx-rest-and-web-server-endpoints.html
.. [6] https://docs.starlingx.io/security/kubernetes/security-access-the-gui.html
.. list-table:: Revisions
:header-rows: 1
* - Release Name
- Description
* - stx-7.0
- Introduced