
22 KiB


Gnocchi is an open-source time series database, the problem that Gnocchi solves is the storage and indexing of time series data and resources at a large scale. This is useful in modern cloud platforms which are not only huge but also are dynamic and potentially multi-tenant. Gnocchi takes all of that into account. Gnocchi has been designed to handle large amounts of aggregates being stored while being performant, scalable and fault-tolerant. While doing this, the goal was to be sure to not build any hard dependency on any complex storage system. Gnocchi takes a unique approach to time series storage: rather than storing raw data points, it aggregates them before storing them. This built-in feature is different from most other time series databases, which usually support this mechanism as an option and compute aggregation (average, minimum, etc.) at query time. Because Gnocchi computes all the aggregations at ingestion getting the data back is extremely fast, as it just needs to read back the pre-computed results.

Overall Requirements

StarlingX environment setup

Test Cases


Test ID


Test Title

Logs - gnocchi api.log reports listening (address and port in gnocchi-api.conf)



Test Objective

gnocchi api.log reports listening (address and port) as per gnocchi-api.conf Api and metricd files exist on the controllers

Test Pre-Conditions

StarlingX environment setup

Test Steps

  1. Confirm the address corresponds to what is defined in the gnocchi-api.conf file
cat /var/log/gnocchi/api.log

[2018-08-13 14:16:14 +0000] [194853] [INFO] Starting gunicorn 19.7.1
[2018-08-13 14:16:14 +0000] [194853] [INFO] Listening at: (194853)
[2018-08-13 14:16:14 +0000] [194853] [INFO] Using worker: sync
[2018-08-13 14:16:14 +0000] [195045] [INFO] Booting worker with pid: 195045
  1. Confirm new gnocchi-api and metricd files exist on the controllers in the following location
controller-0:/etc/init.d# ls -l | grep gnocchi
-rwxrwxr-x. 1 root root ... gnocchi-api
-rwxrwxr-x. 1 root root ... gnocchi-metricd
  1. Confirm the new gnocchi config files and py files are in the /usr/share/gnocchi location
controller-X:/usr/share/gnocchi$ ls
  1. The gnocchi log & config file locations are specified in the /etc/init.d/gnocchi-api file.
gnocchi-api.conf (specifies bind address and number of workers)
e.g. bind='<ipaddr:port>' e.g.
workers=# e.g. workers=10
  1. Confirm log folder/var/log/gnocchi is specified in gnocchi-dist.conf
e.g. default folder #log_dir is /var/log/gnocchi
  1. Confirm new gnocchi log folder and logs have been created at /var/log/gnocchi/
e.g. LOGFILE="/var/log/gnocchi/api.log"

Expected Behavior

  1. Address corresponds to what is defined in the gnocchi-api.conf file
  2. Files gnocchi-api and metricd should appear under /etc/init.d
  3. New gnocchi config files and py files are in place at /usr/share/gnocchi
  4. Gnocchi log & config file locations should be specified in the /etc/init.d/gnocchi-api file
  5. Folder should be confirmed in gnocchi-dist.conf
  6. New gnocchi log folder and logs have been created


Test ID: 2 Test Title: Gnocchi_resources.yaml and resource metrics changes for 'instance' Tags: Gnocchi

Test Objective

Resources types in Gnocchi are managed by ceilometer

Test Pre-Conditions:

StarlingX environment setup

Test Steps:

  1. Check instance resource type still exists but new attribute values have been added (see resource_type: instance)
controller-0:/etc/ceilometer# cat gnocchi_resources.yaml | grep  "resource_type: instance"
     vcpus:   archive_policy_name: ceilometer-low-rate
     cpu:     archive_policy_name: ceilometer-low-rate
  1. Checkvcpus and cpu attributes have been added to the instance resource (archive_policy_name 'ceilometer-low-rate')
"vcpu_util:" attribute has also been added to the instance resource
  1. Check Resource-type, list and show commands
openstack metric resource-type list
openstack metric resource list
openstack metric resource show

Expected Behavior:

  1. Display information about resource_type; instance
  2. Check vcpus and cpu attributes have been added
  3. Every command should display information


Test ID: 3 Test Title: Gnocchi cli command - get metric list Tags: Gnocchi

Test Objective

Newly created and existing metrics can be listed in different ways e.g. cli, rest api

Test Pre-Conditions:

StarlingX environment setup

Test Steps

  1. On the active controller starting in Release 6, as admin run the following gnocchi command from the cli
$gnocchi metric list  (or
$openstack metric list  (List metrics)

As of Rel. R6, the metric list returns the following info:
id  | archive_policy/name | name  | unit | resource_id

Note: A metric can have the same 'name' but different resources (these are still different metrics)

Note: Release prior to Rel 6. will refuse the connection
(gnocchi) metric list
Unable to establish connection to http://localhost:8041/v1/metric?: HTTPConnectionPool(host='localhost', port=8041): Max retries exceeded with url: /v1/metric (Caused by NewConnectionError('<requests.packages.urllib3.connection.HTTPConnection object at 0x3bdd790>: Failed to establish a new connection: [Errno 111] Connection refused',))

Expected Behavior

  1. Verify command displays information


Test ID: 4 Test Title: Gnocchi cli command - metric show (openstack metric show) - pre and post swact Tags: Gnocchi

Test Objective

Check commands for gnocchi metric show (metric, metric_id and metric_name)

Test Pre-Conditions:

StarlingX environment setup

Test Steps

  1. On the active controller run:
$gnocchi metric show <metric>
$openstack metric show <metric_id>
$openstack metric show <metric_name> --resource-id <id for the resource>

The output includes the field and the value

- Each metric is associated with an archive policy
- the archive policy doesn't change once the metric has been created
- metrics can have the same name but they are different metrics (different resources can be assigned)

Expected Behavior


Test ID: 5 Test Title: Gnocchi cli command - get gnocchi status (for backlog) Tags: Gnocchi

Test Objective

status of measurements processing

Test Pre-Conditions:

StarlingX environment setup

Test Steps

1. 'metric status' gets the cluster status for metric processing ie, shows the number of metric to process/processing backlog for gnocchi-metricd (ie. the status of measurements processing) If the number increases continuously, it could indicate a problem.

$gnocchi status
$openstack metric status
Field                                               | Value
storage/number of metric having measures to process
storage/total number of measures to process

Expected Behavior

status of measurements processing is working


Test ID: 6 Test Title: Attempt list metrics and show measures from standby controller Tags: Gnocchi

Test Objective

Attempt list metrics and show measures from standby controller

Test Pre-Conditions:

StarlingX environment setup

Test Steps

  1. The openstack metrics commands are rejected on standby controller as authentication is required.
  2. The metric command will not work on the standby controller if the passwords is null, invalid ie. should require authentication.
  3. The command should work as expected on the standby controller if a valid password is provided (at the Password prompt)

Expected Behavior

  1. Openstack metrics commands should be rejected
  2. Metric command will not work on the standby controller if the password is null or invalid


Test ID: 7 Test Title: Metrics for Instance - get metrics for a single instance (capturing vcpu, ram, boot time and cpu related measures) Tags: Gnocchi

Test Objective

Each instance that you launch is a resource in the OpenStack client. If you want to view a list of resources using the resource show command

Test Pre-Conditions:

StarlingX environment setup

Test Steps

The following metrics are associated with instances resources Check what metrics are associated with the resource

  1. List the resources and with the ID execute resource show
$ gnocchi resource list | grep 80033029-1e2c-4bac-8843-913a9f7d7e2d
$gnocchi resource show <resource_id>
e.g. gnocchi resource show <instance id>

e.g. The following metrics are captured by default on a single instance

$ gnocchi resource list | grep <id>
This lists the resource id, type (e.g. instance) project_id, user_id, original_resource_id, started_at, ended_at, revision_start, revision_end, and creator

E.g. lists the resources associated with instance_id
| 80033029-1e2c-4bac-8843-913a9f7d7e2d | instance                   | fb1bdde29a2b4929b505d8a52f5128f4 | 6ac0bb7bcb3a4351a2b6c8b876b62e77 | <instance_id>| 2018-08-10T14:05:32.795230+00:00 | None     | 2018-0     | 6f92553857aa491695c679279af2b1cf:a23d6a91528b4088a09e3e55bbab13e4 |
| f4292dcb-8896-5f7e-8bb4-0bf55296873b | instance_disk              | fb1bdde29a2b4929b505d8a52f5128f4 | 6ac0bb7bcb3a4351a2b6c8b876b62e77 | <instanceid>-vda | 2018-08-10T14:16:07.614060+00:00 | None     | 2018-0     | 6f92553857aa491695c679279af2b1cf:a23d6a91528b4088a09e3e55bbab13e4 |

$ gnocchi resource show <instance id> output will include the metrics associated with the resource for that instance
Field   | Value
| id                    | 80033029-1e2c-4bac-8843-913a9f7d7e2d                                |
| metrics               |
compute.instance.booting.time: 22f5fa88-5045-4c13-a77f-5a48142a2722 |
cpu.delta: f10ebd09-b67b-4b62-950d-69954ad96bc1                     |
cpu: 317cd1c1-ded6-4fba-9d20-7ac13df5677e                           |
cpu_util: 0f0716c7-5ed4-40fc-a91b-05968c2f09ae                      |
memory: c04e51e7-145d-4f21-ac12-b951636ce627                        |
vcpu_util: 80c61244-a74a-4852-bded-ae577065af2c                     |
vcpus: e0d6fb1d-0203-4a9e-8581-02452476034e

(+ disk related measures:
disk.allocation: 7a5f4b5a-82db-4cc1-9025-4966b367ad3c               |
disk.capacity: 7cfb727e-2c35-40db-8099-3bd269393870                 |
disk.ephemeral.size: 89f7be97-f9c5-4b4e-9931-05097d6731dd           |
disk.read.bytes.rate: 5cc69603-9c09-4a76-9c32-3e2dd42aaebb          |
disk.read.bytes: d02e85f5-703d-4fe5-9f9e-bc000b6b8a12               |
disk.read.requests.rate: 0cffa6c4-abda-49b4-82b7-0920805a7c8b       |
disk.read.requests: 4f22780a-61d1-4944-a8a8-b3cf23a6f208            |
disk.root.size: 993072c5-cea7-41ec-9de2-86884a18a4b8                |
disk.usage: 04a778d7-621d-440f-b282-64dbc00b132d                    |
disk.write.bytes.rate: 1f3918a7-1bcd-4999-90a7-882a5c8f25ce         |
disk.write.bytes: e4ecfd47-c4fd-403f-847c-64029ef5a59a              |
disk.write.requests.rate: 46e1cd6e-38ff-4bba-8ba2-2535734d295e      |
disk.write.requests: a5cc9622-8fa7-49c6-94df-7206d170f8dd           |)

original_resource_id  | 80033029-1e2c-4bac-8843-913a9f7d7e2d                                |
| project_id            | fb1bdde29a2b4929b505d8a52f5128f4

Expected Behavior

Check resource list and resource show and which metrics are associated with the resource


Test ID: 8 Test Title: Metric archive policies - archive policy default, create, list, show, delete in gnocchi Tags: Gnocchi

Test Objective

Archive policies define how the metrics are aggregated and how long they are stored. Each archive policy definition is expressed as the number of points over a timespan.

Test Pre-Conditions:

StarlingX environment setup

Test Steps

The default archive policies are listed using the following command

  1. List the Archive-Policy
# gnocchi archive-policy list
Or alternatively
$ openstack metric archive-policy list
Each archive-policy has a name, definition and aggregation_methods  (and possibly back_window)
Each definition has points, granularity, and timespan values
  1. Show the metrics from archive-policy
$ openstack metric archive-policy show
Field and value are displayed for aggregation_methods, back_window, definition and name

The names (low, medium, high) describes the storage space and CPU usage needs.
The bool archive policy only stores one data point for each second with a one year retention period.
  1. Create a new archive-policy
$ openstack metric archive-policy create
  1. Delete the archive-policy
$ openstack metric archive-policy delete

Expected Behavior

  1. Archive-Policy are listed successfully
  2. Metrics from Archive-Policy are shown
  3. New Archive-Policy is created
  4. Archive-Policy can be deleted


Test ID: 9 Test Title: Configuration - Default archive policy rules list, create, delete in gnocchi (low, all metrics) Tags: Gnocchi

Test Objective

The archive policies define how the metrics are aggregated and how long they are stored. Each archive policy definition is expressed as the number of points over a timespan.

The default archive policy rule is “low” for all metrics

Test Pre-Conditions:

StarlingX environment setup

Test Steps

gnocchi archive-policy-rule list returns the default archive policy (low) and default metric pattern *

  1. List the Archive-policy-rule to check the rule
$ gnocchi archive-policy-rule list

Or openstack command to list archive policy rules
$ openstack metric archive-policy-rule list

| name    | archive_policy_name | metric_pattern |
| default | low                 | *              |
  1. Alternatively execute metric archive-policy-rule list List archive policy rules
$ openstack metric archive-policy-rule
  1. Create an archive policy rule
$ metric archive-policy-rule create
  1. Delete an archive policy rule
$ metric archive-policy-rule delete
  1. Show an archive policy rule
$ metric archive-policy-rule show

Expected Behavior

  1. Rule should appear as Low
  2. Archive policy rules listed
  3. New Archive-Policy is created
  4. Archive-Policy can be deleted
  5. Metrics from Archive-Policy are shown


Test ID: 10 Test Title: Get openstack metric list and measures show on lab configured with https Tags: Gnocchi

Test Objective

Get openstack metric list and measures show on lab configured with https

Test Pre-Conditions:

StarlingX environment setup

Test Steps

  1. Get openstack metric list and measures show on lab configured with https
$openstack metric list | grep cpu_util
$openstack metric list | grep cpu
$openstack metric list | grep cpu_util

$ openstack metric measures show <metric _id vcpu_util>
$ openstack metric measures show <metric _id cpu_util>
$ openstack metric measures show <metric _id cpu>

Expected Behavior

Get metric list and measures


Test ID: 11 Test Title: Ceilometer no longer in system service-parameter-list or service-parameter-modify operations Tags: Gnocchi

Test Objective

System command could be used to modify the metering_time_to_live value for service ceilometer

Test Pre-Conditions:

StarlingX environment setup

Test Steps

  1. Prior to release 6, the ceilometer service was listed and the system command could be used to modify the metering_time_to_live value for service ceilometer.
$ system service-parameter-list
<id> | service   | section     | name                     |value
       ceilometer   database       metering_time_to_live     86400

As of release 6, the ceilometer service will no longer listed in the service-parameter-list
The metering_time_to_live value for service ceilometer can no longer be modified.

Expected Behavior

Check if Celiometer no loger exist


Test ID: 12 Test Title: Metrics for compute.node - get metrics for cpu related nova_compute resource Tags: Gnocchi

Test Objective

OpenStack Compute is capable of collecting CPU related meters from the compute host machines. (compute_monitors option is cpu.virt_driver in the nova.conf configuration file).

Test Pre-Conditions:

StarlingX environment setup

Test Steps

  1. Confirm /etc/nova.conf has this set compute_monitors=cpu.virt_driver,platform.platform_monitor,vswitch.vswitch_monitor
# cat /etc/ceilometer/gnocchi_resources.yaml | grep compute.node  (this is for  resource_type: nova_compute)

# gnocchi resource list | grep nova_compute
(Or # openstack metric resource list | grep nova_compute)

# openstack metric list | grep <resource_id>

Expected Behavior

Metrics for cpu related to nova_compute should be displayed


Test ID: 13 Test Title: Gnocchi user listed as protected service in keystone Tags: Gnocchi

Test Objective

Confirm gnocchi user listed as protected service in keystone

Test Pre-Conditions:

StarlingX environment setup

Test Steps

  1. Execute cat /etc/keystone/policy.json
cat /etc/keystone/policy.json

"protected_services": [["'aodh':%(target.user.name)s"],
                            >>["'gnocchi':%(target.user.name)s"]], <<

Expected Behavior

  1. Check the list in the file policy.son



Test ID: 14 Test Title: Logs - gnocchi metric server version in metricd.log, and status on measurements waiting to be processed Tags: Gnocchi

Test Objective

On the controllers the metricd.log exists in the new gnocchi log folder version of Gnocchi also reported in the metricd.log The stats on # of measurements and metrics are reported by the log 'metricd.log'. It will also be reported using the openstack metric status command

Test Pre-Conditions:

StarlingX environment setup

Test Steps

  1. Verify output from /var/log/gnocchi/metricd.log and status


cat /var/log/gnocchi/metricd.log


INFO     gnocchi.service: Gnocchi version 4.2.5

INFO     gnocchi.cli.metricd: # measurements bundles across # metrics wait to be processed.

$openstack metric status    (or alternatively $gnochhi status)

Expected Behavior

  1. Metricd.log verified with Gnocchi version and status is displayed by metric status


Test ID: 15 Test Title: Logs - postgres.log and gnocchi events Tags: Gnocchi

Test Objective

Should no longer see db=ceilometer in this log in Rel. 6 Should see entries for 'automatic analyze of table "gnocchi..."

Test Pre-Conditions:

StarlingX environment setup

Test Steps

  1. Confirm db is now reported as gnocchi (no longer ceilometer) in postgres.log
cat /var/log/postgres.log | grep gnocchi

Should no longer see db=ceilometer in this log in Rel. 6
should now have db=gnocchi instead

Expected Behavior

  1. Celiometer should no longer see db=ceilometer in this log


[0] - [https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Gnocchi] [1] - [https://opensource.com/article/17/11/getting-started-gnocchi] [2] - [https://gnocchi.xyz/stable_3.0/] [3] - [https://github.com/gnocchixyz/gnocchi]