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Fault Management
This test plan covers Fault Management manual regression. It covers basic
functionality for the following features:
- Enhanced_Log_Management
Overall Requirements:
This test will require access to the following configurations:
- Regular system
- Storage system
- AIO-DX systems
Test Cases
.. contents::
:depth: 1
:Test ID: FM_Enhanced_Log_Management_01
:Test Title: test_verify_install_of_SDK_module_on_Ubuntu
:Tags: P2,FM,Enhanced log management,regression
Testcase Objective:
Purpose of this test is to verify split brain scenario swact on active
controller by blocking standby controller and storage on active controller
Test Pre-Conditions:
system should be installed with load that has this feature.
External VM or server is needed to install Remote logging server.
Remote logging SDK should be available in the server
Test Steps
1. FTP the SDK module for Kibana log collection tool to Ubunthu os machine.
2. tar xfv wrs-install-log-server-1.0.0.tgz
3. Follow instructions from README file which is given in example for
installing udp transport.
cd install-log-server
sudo ./install-log-server.sh -i <Sever IP> -u
4. Open a web browser and open kibana website to connect to log server
http://<log server ip address>:5601
Expected Behavior
Able launch kibana log collection tool using web browser
http://<log server ip address>:5601
:Test ID: FM_Enhanced_Log_Management_02
:Test Title: test_verify_configure_TIS_for_external_log_collection_using_udp
:Tags: P2,FM,Enhanced log management,regression
Test Pre-Conditions:
system should be installed with load that has this feature.
External VM or server is needed to install Remote logging server.
Remote logging SDK should be available in the server
Testcase Objective:
This is to test the Configuration of External logging on TIS with UDP option
and verify logs collected
on server.
Test Steps
1. After setting log server as per test case 1
2. Configure TIS server with to collected logs below cli show udp
connection option as sdk install
system remote logging-modify --ip_address --transport udp
--enabled True
3. verify the logs are collected and seen over the time period of 10 min.
http://<log server ip address>:5601
Expected Behavior
Able launch kibana log collection tool using web browser and see the logs
getting collected http://<log server ip address>:5601
:Test ID: FM_Enhanced_Log_Management_03
:Test Title: test_verify_remote_logging_disable_and_enable
:Tags: P2,FM,Enhanced log management,regression
Test Pre-Conditions:
system should be installed with load that has this feature.
External VM or server is needed to install Remote logging server.
Remote logging SDK should be available in the server
Testcase Objective:
This is to test the Configuration of External logging on TIS with UDP option
and verify logs collected
on server.
Test Steps
1. After setting log server as per test case 2
2. Disable SDK by below cli on TIS
code ::
system remotelogging-modify --ip_address \
--transport udp --enabled false
3. Verify the logs not collected and seen over the time period of 5 min or
more http://<log server ip address>:5601. There won't be any logs
during this disable
4. Enable SDK by below cli on TIS
code ::
system remotelogging-modify --ip_address \
--transport udp --enabled True
5. Verify the logs are collected and seen over the time period of 5 min or
more. http://<log server ip address>:5601
Expected Behavior
Able launch kibana log collection tool using web browser and see the logs
when enhanced logging is enabled and not seen when it is disabled
:Test ID: FM_SNMP_04
:Test Title: test_creating_new community_string_from_cli
:Tags: P2,FM,SNMP,regression
Testcase Objective:
Able to create community string
Test Pre-Conditions:
system should be installed with load that has this feature.
Test Steps
1. Create community string using below cli
system snmp-comm-add -c <comunity>
2. Verify that created community using below cli .
system snmp-comm-list
Expected Behavior
Able to create SNMP community string and display.
:Test ID: FM_SNMP_05
:Test Title: SNMP_cli_trap_dest_can_be_deleted
:Tags: P2,FM,SNMP,regression
Testcase Objective:
To verify trap delete and trap is no long received.
Test Pre-Conditions:
system should be installed with load that has this feature.
SNMP trap receiver is installed to receive the trap.
Test Steps
1. Create community string using below cli
system snmp-comm-add -c <comunity>
2. Create trapdest using below cli.Use ip address of client and community
string that was already created.
system snmp-trapdest-add -i <ip_address> -c <comunity>
3. Verify that created trapdest displayed
system snmp-trapdest-list
4. Restart snmp using below cli
snmpd /etc/init.d/snmpd restart)
5. Verify that trap is received by the trap listener.By seeing messages
in SNMP viewer
6. Delete trapdest using cli below
system snmp-trapdest-delete <ip_address>)
7. Verify that trapdest deleted
system snmp-trapdest-list
8. Verify that trap is no longer received by the trap listener.
Expected Behavior
When trap is available messages are seen after trap was deleted there was no
messages on trap listener.